"To Bring Memory Back" edition 2006-2007
WASILKÓW - Gimnazjum im. ks. Wacława Rabczyńskiego
Who are we
Rev. Wacław Rabczyński Middle School
What we do in the project
The project consists of:
* gather the relations of senior citizens of Wasilków concerning Jewish presence in our town;
* Excursion to the remains of Jewish cemeteries in Wasilków and Białystok (cleaning and documentation);
* "Meeting with Jewish culture" - history and Polish lessons;
* exhibition presenting the symbolism of Jewish culture, and the Jewish inhabitants of Wasilków;
* Ludwik Zamenhof - A Jew from Białystok, the creator of Esperanto language;
* school trips to Tykocin, Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw;
* Publication of the most interesting materials (school newspaper, Gazeta Wasilkowska);