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"To Bring Memory Back" edition 2006-2007

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 6 im. Unii Europejskiej w Kłodzku linia

Who are we

Primary School No.6 in Kłodzko

What we do in the project

We take care of the burial place of the Polish Jews from Kłodzko.
The cemetery is a part of the school complex, therefore the matters of its safety and its proper treatment are of great importance to us. As a part of the educational plan of the school we try to discover the past of the "Kłodzko land", and the people who were involved in it. We look forward to deepen our knowledge of the Jewish culture and history through special lessons, meetings, contests, and celebrations. It is worth reminding that it was here, in our school, that the chain of people of good will who support this cause has begun.   


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