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Final showcase of the To Bring Memory Back program

On June 15, 2016, the final gala of the 8th edition of our “To Bring Memory Back” educational program took place at the Polin Museum of History of Polish Jews in Warsaw. Participating in the event were 37 of this semester’s 56 enrolled schools and cultural centers. The final gala provided a public venue to showcase the students’ unique and important projects contributing to and focusing on the history of specific prewar Jewish communities, Jewish culture and tradition, and local initiatives designed to recover (bring back) memory of Polish Jews.

Since 2005 when our Foundation first launched this important educational program, over 450 Polish schools and organizations involving 8000 students and 400 teachers have participated. Past years’ projects from our “To Bring Memory Back” program can be viewed online: www.pamiec.fodz.pl

More information can be found here on Facebook about this remarkable program:

The 2015/2016 semester of the “To Bring Memory Back” program is being supported by the Polin Museum of History of Polish Jews and the Association of the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw.

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