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  II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Marii Konopnickiej w Zamościu  
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2007-03-12 Jewish cooking in Miedzna- part 1.

Until our last meeting we didn’t realize the source of some flavors, and certain dishes. They’re often cooked by our mothers and grandmothers. Fifth grade girls told us what dishes are characteristic for the Jewish cuisine, how, and of what they are prepared. We learned the meaning of the word ‘kosher’, we know how to prepare Chopped Herring, Bagels, Apple Doughnuts, Kugel, Tzimmes,  Cholent, Challah, Hamantaschen,  Kreplach, Materbrait, Bubele…

We all tasted latkes, prepared before our meeting. We know what ingredients we have to use and how to prepare those delicious pancakes…


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