"To Bring Memory Back" edition 2006-2007

Zespół Szkół nr 4 w Jaśle

Who are we
School Complex No. 4 in Jaslo
Why we do this project
Jewish community was functioning in Poland as one of the major ethnic groups, contributing to Poland’s culture a many times. Now traces of this presence in numerous places are deteriorating and falling into oblivion. Our knowledge about the past would not be full without awareness of the many ages of coexistence of Poles and Jews.
Jewish cemetery in Jaslo is a beautiful example of brotherhood of nations. Jews and Poles lay here together. They may have not met before, but now they are connected through common cemetery. Now all of them deserve our memory and our care about their place of rest.
What we do in the project
The projects aims to reconstruct the cemetery wall by filling the dents, renovate and eventually paint the front section of the fence, renovate the cemetery gate, put a new information tablet and clean up the entire cemetery ground. We also look forward to familiarize our students with the common Polish-Jewish history, with a special regard for the history of the local Jewish community. We would also like to, in cooperation with the city authorities, clean up the cemetery's neighborhood.
What we are going to do next
We’re preparing for consultation an information tablet which FODZ promised us to finance. Technical project is ready.
Other thing is preparing a listing with every material object of the cemetery put onto it and making a list of the manes that could be identified. Together with uncovering of the matzevot, covered with plants and much it may help people looking for the graves of their relatives.
The plan was accepted by the mayor Maria Kurowska. On behalf of Town Council in Jaslo Mrs Bozena Molska, who welcomed our action with great joy and commitment, cooperates with us.
We would like to give our thanks both to the mayor and to Mrs Bozena Molska – we count on further cooperation, as enjoyable as the present one.
We’ve contacted a prominent historian from Jaslo, Mr. Wieslaw Hap who supplied us with materials about history of Jewish population of our town and offered help with elaborating the description which is to be on cemetery’s information tablet. To him we also own our thanks.
What are we proud of
We’ve found tombs of Steinhaus family (a famous mathematician, Hugo Steinhaus, came from Jaslo) and a tombstone of a Court District’s director, deceased in May 1939.