"To Bring Memory Back" edition 2006-2007

KRAŚNIK - Szkoła Podstawowa nr 3

Who are we
Primary School No.3
Why we do this project
It is for us a perfect opportunity to know better Jewish culture and tradition, which were so close for us before the World War II, and now seems to be falling in oblivion. The past, which we cannot remember, but which still can be explored, seems very interesting.
Jewish community in our town
We know about Jewish presence in Krasnik from a little mention dated to 1531. The privilege allowing settling in town was gained in 1584. In 1654 one tried to restrict the area of inhabiting to the territory around the synagogue but it was seldom obeyed. Old Jewish district extends to Boznicza St and down in Bagno St.
In 1940 Germans organized a ghetto in Krasnik and in 1942 during its liquidation about 6000 people were transported to death camp in Belzec.
Two severely damaged buildings: a synagogue and a school are bearing testimony of the times to this day. The synagogue was erected between 1637 and 1654. In 18th and 19th century the building was rebuilt, i.a a women porch was added from the north side. From the western side there was build a one-floored antechamber together with a women porch.
During World War II Germans devastated the synagogue. After the war was over the building was restored and gradually declining. In 1989 there were some further restoration works – only the roof was changed. In the interior, on the walls there are remains of polychromes from 19th and 20th century. On the western wall there a niche for Aron Ha-Kodesh.
What we do in the project
The pupils of our school explore the history of the Jewish population of the town, they search for its traces and create litterary and art works, which will be the immediate effect of the project. Furthermowe they will document the buildings and places and mark them on the map.
What we are going to do next
1. Gather materials and locate Jewish related objects on a plan of our town.
2. Explore Jewish culture and tradition.
3.Prepare a leaflet dedicated to the Jews of Krasnik.
4.Photo documentation and description of the objects related to the presence of Jews in our town.