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"To Bring Memory Back" edition 2006-2007

Zespól Szkól Budowlanych linia

Who are we

Jozef Bem’s Building Schools Complex.

Why we do this project

       From the signing of cooperation agreement with Stermschule, Grund und Hauptschule in Uelzen in 1990 when the students from fellow school arrive, we do our best to clean up the graves on the Old Jewish Cemetery.

Now it is a location of a History Museum Department. The cemetery is an original complex of 19th century sculpture and little architecture: chapels, family vaults and sepulchral statues, designed by famous artists. We want to learn about prominent citizens of Wroclaw, their life and achievements. For example: Rabbi Aharon from 1177, Rabbi David from 1203, socialism theoretician F. Lassallea (1825-1864), famous doctor L. Auerbach (1828-1897), historian H. Graetz and a poetess F. Kempner (1836-1904). It will be a fascinating adventure to find architectonical elements referring to ancient art., to the Middle Ages, Renaissance, baroque and Classicism.

What we do in the project

1. Learn about Jewish culture.

2. Visit Jewish necropolis is Wroclaw.

3. Document chosen tombstones, photos, drawings

4. Prepare multimedia presentations and an exhibition on sepulchral art in Wroclaw.



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