"To Bring Memory Back" edition 2006-2007

STASZÓW - Zespół Szkół - Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 2

Who are we
Public Middle School No.2 in Staszów
What we do in the project
We participate in reconstruction of the matzevots found on a Jewish cemetery in Staszów, take care of the cemetery, prepare a school play about Staszów Jews in local museum, we gather relations and material objects related to the history of Jewish community in our town, finally we plan to publish a leaflet prepared by our students.
On November 8, 2006, the students participating in the project prepared a school play, composed of music and words, dedicated to the memory of Staszow Jews. The play was shown in local Historical Museum. The date commemorates a tragic event: on November 8, 1942, the Nazis expelled 5 thousand Jews from Staszow, who were then transported to the concentration camp in Belzec, where they met their end.
The girls of our Middle School singed Jewish songs and danced Jewish dances, which they have learned during last year presentation of the “To Bring Memory Back” project in Nozyk synagogue.