"To Bring Memory Back" edition 2006-2007

KRYNKI - Gimnazjum

Who are we
Middle School in Krynki
We are students interested in Jewish culture and history, especially in relation to our town. In 2005/2006 we have been successfully participating in a program "Memory for the Future", in Middle Schools cathegory.
Why we do this project
We would like the memory of those who have left to remain, and be transmitted forward. We will achieve it by taking care of the Jewish cemetery and writing down the history of Jewish community in Krynki based on the memories of the senior inhabitants of our town, who still carry memory of coexistence.
Jewish community in our town
The history of Jewish community in Krynki dates back to XIIth century. The Krynki Jews have helped in development of the trade and tannery. They had their schools, synagogues and houses of prayer in the town. During the Wold War II the occupants have created a ghetto and the Jewish inhabitants of Krynki were transported to Grodno. They never returned after the war and since then the town started to depopulate. All that remains today of the Jews from Krynki are the cemetery, the synagogue and the ruins of the other, oldest synagogue from XVIIth century.
What we do in the project
The students take care of the part of the Jewish cemetery under protection of a teacher. They gather informations, both from witnesses and from the archives of Jewish Historical Institute. The final result will be an essay, a movie and an exhibition dedicated to the life and death of the Jews from Krynki.
What we are going to do next
The project begins with cleaning of the allocated part of the cemetery. Under the supervision of one of the teachers he students will mark an area which will be under their care. A letter to District Heritage Conservator has been sent, concerning a request to sending us a copy of documentation of Jewish cemetery in Krynki. In further stages the students will gather information basing on witnesses’ relations and write a paper about Jews of Krynki and prepare an album and a leaflet promoting multicultural character of our area.
Who is helping us
District Monuments Conservator, Commune Economic of Krynki Municipality, Krynki’s residents, our parents, Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland.
What are we proud of
I am proud of the fact that so many students of my school are participating in the project. I am also proud of the fact that Krynki was one of many places where Jews have lived and that their memory might be restored.