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  II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Marii Konopnickiej w Zamościu  
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2007-02-10 A walk through the streets of Narewka and a movie show

On January 22th, during our winter holidays, we've organized a walk on the streets of Narewka and a movie show with two titles: "I dreamed about Hana" by Mikołaj Wawrzeniuk, and "Holidays- Bearing 2000" by Barbara Babińska-Krzyżańska. Both movies were about Jewish culture and multicultural heritage of the Polish-Byelorussian borderland. We gave our little trip a name "On the path of Jewish culture". The itinerary was conceived by our Polish language teacher and moderator of the school's circle of interest, Mrs Alina Rosińska. We even had a guide- Culture Centre worker, Ms Katarzyna Bielawska - who led us, telling us about the settlement of Jewish community, and the changes made by their arrival on the streets of Narewka. We stopped at many wooden houses to hear about their former inhabitants and their occupations. We had a nice surprise while walking on Ogrodowa Street: a lady who lived there saw us on the street and came to us to tell us why this particular street is so important to the Jewish visitors. It turned out that before the war there was a synagogue here, and the old street's name - Szkolna (School street) derives from the local religious school. To prove it, the lady showed us an old street sign on her house with the name "Szkolna", and the number on it. We were most touched by the particular story she told us about a granddaughter of the Jewish family living in this very house before the war, who paid her a visit and keeps visiting her since then.     


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