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2007-03-08 Jewish holidays in Primary School in Miedzna

When do the Jews celebrate New Year? Why one cannot eat sour dishes on that day? Why the Jews have to take the ritual bath on the eve of Yom Kippur? What can we do for the benefit of our souls? What is the origin of the Sukkoth? What is a lulaw? What is the difference between menorah and chanukkiah? What are the Hamantaschen and how to make them? Why one has to clean the house before Pesach in order to remove all leavened products? Why do people have to consume the dairy products on Shavuot? Those questions, along with many others, were answered during our study of the main Jewish holidays. We put a lot of work into painting illustrations related to this matter. We published a school gazette and even added some props to help our fellow students understand better the customs they never heard of before. It’s worth adding that we were also watching the holiday cards and read the sentences on them with great interest.

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