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  II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Marii Konopnickiej w Zamościu  
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2007-03-18 Who are they? Where did they come from to Silesia? - The works of the history circle in Czerwionki

Since the moment of appointment of the history circle the things started rolling! Every member of the circle learned how to create and how to use the so-called historian’s workshop. Searching for bibliography, research in the libraries and in the internet, critic analysis of the sources, working with maps… All served the same purpose: find answer to the basic questions: “Who are the Jews and where did they come from?” The analysis of the 19th century sources was probably the most interesting experience. Among others the historians analyzed the Martin Luther’s treatise “On the Jews and their lies” (1543, source: Kirche und Synagoge. Handbuch zur Geschichte von Christen und Juden. Darstellung mit Quellen. By.: Karl Heinrich Rengstorf i Siegfried von Kortzfleisch, tome. 1, Monachium: DTV, 1988, p. 418-422.)

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