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  II Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Marii Konopnickiej w Zamościu  
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2008-01-28 We do remember... Primary School in Miedzna

I am studying by myself at home  during the entire war. When I recall going to schools, I feel I'm about to cry. Today I must stay home, I cannot go anywhere. And when I remind myself of the wars being fought throughout the world, of so many people dying everyday by bullets, gasses, bombs, epidemies and other enemies of humanity, I'm losing all my will to live...

Those words, as well as many others written down by David Rubinowicz, were read during meetings of the last year classes, organized to commemorate the Holocaust Remembrance Day. We have been reading David's diary, we talked about those horrible times, we remembered Irena Sendlerowa and burned the memorial candles.

We do remember!


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