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2020-10-29 45th Zamość Theater Summer posters exhibition

From October 29, 2020 the "Synagogue" Center of the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage at Pereca 14 str. in Zamość presents an exhibition of works sent to the competition for the poster of the 45th Zamość Theater Summer. 94 projects by 64 young artists were submitted. The works sent from all over Poland were evaluated by a jury composed of: Prof. Lech Majewski - Polish graphic artist and poster designer, Łukasz Zwolan - visual artist, Joanna Bilska-Pawłowska - head of the Artistic and Organizational Department of the Zamość House of Culture, Dariusz Łukasik - visual artist and Grażyna Kawala - program manager of the Zamość Theater Summer.

The main prize was awarded to Maksymilian Stopa, a student of B. Morando Fine Arts High School in Zamość.

The exhibition presents the works of: Katarzyna Bojar, Barbara Filochowska, Paulina Malarz, Alicja Siemko, Kateryna Sumina, Piotr Szewczyk (awarded works) and Michał Czugała, Iga Domińczuk, Natalia Jurczak, Wiktoria Lewandowska, Ludwika Ludew, Iwona Łyś, Maria Paruzel, Wiktoria Pawlak , Wiktoria Pokryszka, Maksymilian Stopa, Karolina Szyduszyńska, Kamila Świrska, Daria Wnuk, Anna Zawadzka, Agnieszka Zgraj and Wiktor Żurecki.

Due to the current restrictions, the exhibition opening will not take place in its traditional form. However, we invite you to the "Self Service" campaign. The inauguration of the exhibition will take place on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Invite your friends and in groups of up to five people see the exhibition, discuss, take photos, check if you agree with the selection of the Jury. Due to the Government restrictions, we will organise an online event (more info).

Please remember to cover your mouth and nose.

The organizers of the exhibition are: the Bernardo Morando State High School of Fine Arts in Zamość, the Zamość House of Culture and the "Synagogue" Center of the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage.

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Liceum Plastyczne im. Bernarda Morando

Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych - Galeria Zamojska

Orkiestra Symfoniczna im. Karola Namysłowskiego

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Pracownia Literatury Polsko-Żydowskiej

Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Zamościu, Pracownia Badań Dziejów i Kultury Żydów

Stowarzyszenie Studnia Pamięci

Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej. Zakład Kultury i Historii Żydów

Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Administracji w Zamościu

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