The Chassidic Route is a tourist route following traces of Jewish communities through southeastern Poland. Goals of the project include stimulation of the socio-economic development of the region by promoting the multicultural heritage-oriented tourism.
The partners of the Foundation in the implementation of the project are the units of territorial self-government and non-governmental organizations. Today the Chassidic Route joins 29 townships of the Lubelskie and Podkarpackie provinces. In the future we plan to extend it by adding more localities from the territories of Poland.
Currently the following localities participate in the project: Baligrod, Bilgoraj, Blazowa, Chelm, Cieszanow, Debica, Dukla, Dynow, Jaroslaw, Kolbuszowa, Krasnik, Lesko, Lezajsk, Lublin, Lancut, Leczna, Nowy Zmigrod, Przemysl, Radomysl Wielki, Ropczyce, Rymanow, Rzeszow, Sanok, Tarnobrzeg, Ulanow, Ustrzyki Dolne, Wielkie Oczy, Wlodawa and Zamosc.
The implementation of the Project assumes both an institutional support from the territorial self-government units and non-governmental organizations, and the building of a solid inter-sector partnership for the benefit of the development of the profiled tourism, which stimulates the local enterprise by providing the infrastructure necessary for the extended tourist movement. As a result of the project materials promoting the Chassidic Route are published, and the territorial self-government units and non-governmental organizations in localities on the Chassidic Route are provided with competences allowing them to take care for the development of regional tourism together, and to carry on a successful fundraising for this purpose.
The most important point of the Chassidic Route is the "Synagogue" Center in Zamosc which houses, among others, the Chassidic Route information center. The project of “Revitalization of the Renaissance Synagogue in Zamosc for the Needs of the Chassidic Route and the Local Community” is supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Financial Mechanism and the Norwegian Financial Mechanism.
Construction and conservation works in Zamosc had commenced in July 2009 and were completed in the summer of 2010. The opening ceremony took place on April 5th, 2011. Within the framework of the “Revitalization of the Renaissance synagogue in Zamosc for the needs of the Chassidic Route and the local community” project an activity “Restoration of the synagogue complex in Krasnik - phase I (protective works from further decay)” was also implemented.
The works in Krasnik (a town 90 km away from Zamosc) were completed in April 2010.We hope that the Chassidic Route Project will result in augmenting the tourist and culture attractiveness of the region, and also will help intensifying the local development of those territories.
Every town and city from Podkarpackie or Lubelskie provinces, in which the important Jewish communities have lived in the prewar period, may join the Chassidic Route by sending a request to the Foundation, signed by the representative of the town or community officials.
SERIES OF BROCHURES dedicated to the history of Jewish Communities in ten towns members of the Chassidic Route (Chelm, Jaroslaw, Krasnik, Lesko, Lezajsk, Lancut, Sanok, Ropczyce, Rymanow and Ustrzyki Dolne), published by the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland. E-versions of all the brochures can be found in the
'About Us' section of this website and in '
The Heritage' section.
We are happy to inform you that an iteractive map of the Chassidic Route has just been added to the World Monuments Fund's website
Link to the AEPJ's website
BaligrodMunicipality of Baligrod
BilgorajMunicipality of Bilgoraj
Biłgorajskie Stowarzyszenie Kulturalne imienia I. B. Singera
ChelmMunicipality of Chelm
Stowarzyszenie Miasteczko
Związek Transgraniczny Euroregion BUG
CieszanowMunicipality of Cieszanów
DebicaMunicipality of Debica
Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Ziemi Dębickiej
Municipality of Dukla
DynowMunicipality of Dynow
JaroslawMunicipality of Jaroslaw
Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Jarosławia
Municipality of Kolbuszowa
KrasnikMunicipality of Krasnik
Fundacja "Za Bramą"
LeskoMunicipality of Lesko
Galicyjskie Gospodarstwa Gościnne Bieszczady
Bieszczadzkie Forum Europejskie
LezajskMunicipality of Leżajsk
LublinMunicipality of Lublin
LancutMunicipality of Lancut
LecznaMunicipality of Leczna
Łęczyńskie Stowarzyszenie Twórców Kultury i Sztuki PLAMA
Nowy Zmigrod
Municipality of Nowy Zmigrod
The Nowy Zmigrod Society
PrzemyslMunicipality of Przemysl
Związek Ukraińców w Polsce, koło w Przemyślu
Radomysl WielkiMunicipality of Radomyśl Wielki
"Nasza Gmina" Association
RopczyceMunicipality of Ropczyce
Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Ziemi Ropczyckiej
RymanowMunicipality of Rymanow
Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Ochrony Dziedzictwa Kulturowego Ziemi Rymanowskiej "Spotkanie-Rymanów"
Municipality of Rzeszów
SanokMunicipality of Sanok
TarnobrzegMunicipality of Tarnobrzeg
Municipality of Ulanow
Ustrzyki DolneMunicipality of Ustrzyki Dolne
Bieszczadzkie Towarzystwo Cyklistów w Ustrzykach Dln
Ustrzyckie Stowarzyszenie Turystyczne "Bieszczady"
Wielkie OczyMunicipality of Wielkie Oczy
WlodawaMunicipality of Wlodawa
ZamoscMunicipality of Zamosc
The Artistic Exhibitions Agency – the Zamosc Gallery
The Bernardo Morando Fine Arts High School
The Karol Namyslowski Symphonic Orchestra
The Zamosc University of Management and Administration
The first stage of the Chassidic Route project was supported by the PHARE 2003 European Union INTERREG III A Program for infrastructural projects preparation.
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