In cooperation with a local volunteer, Rabbi Pinhas Pomp, FODZ is implementing a project to clean up the area of the cemetery in Sieniawa. First stage involved the construction of a walkway leading from the entrance to the cemetery to the ohel, where put to rest were: - Jechiezkiel Szraga son of Chaim Halberstam, deceased on 6 Tewet 5659 (19.12.1898) Tzadik and founder of the Yeshiva in Sieniawa, author of the religious book Diwrei Jechiezkiel; - Nachum son of Jakow Weidenfeld, who died on 2 Kislew 5700 (14.11.1939) a long-time Tzadik from Dąbrowa Tarnowska, author of several treaties: Hazon Nachum, Jore Dea and Tosafot Shewit.
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