ANNUAL REPORT 2016 2017-09-28
The new 2016 annual report, documenting projects and activities undertaken by our Foundation in the previous year is now available on our website. Have a nice lecture!
SHANA TOVA 2017-09-19
On Rosh HaShana we wish you all good and sweet New Year 5778! May we all be inscribed in the Boook of Life! We also would like to inform you that our office will be closed on September 21 and 22.
On September 19th, 2017 the "Synagogue" Center held a meeting devoted to the person of famous polish poet - Bolesław Leśmian, organized with the cooperation of The First John Zamoyski High School School in Zamość, Polish Tourist and Sightseeing more »
KALUSZYN 2017-09-14
On September 14, 2017, a ceremonial unveiling of a monument commemorating the local Jewish community took place in Kaluszyn. The ceremony was organized by our Foundation in cooperation with the Town Ofice of Kaluszyn. Participating were the Ambassador of Israel, Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael more »
A monument commemorating the Jewish community of Rawa Mazowiecka was ceremonially unveiled on the local Jewish cemetery on September 13, 2017. The ceremony was organized by our Foundation and the Town Office of Rawa Mazowiecka. Participating in the ceremony were descendants of Rawa Jews, currently more »
PŁOŃSK 2017-09-12
Yesterday, a representative of the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland took part in a conference that took place in the H. Sienkiewicz High School in Płońsk. The conference, devoted to the subject of the preservation of the cemetery within its more »
WOJSLAWICE 2017-09-07
A plaque commemorating the local Jewish community was ceremonially unveiled on the Jewish cemetery in Wojsławice. The ceremony, which took place on September 7, was organized by our Foundation and Mr. Yossi Yeinan in cooperation with the Town Office of Wojslawice.
A monument commemorating the local Jewish community was erected by our Foundation on the Jewish cemetery in Janow Sokolski. Funds were provided by the Taylor family from New York, USA.
BARDEJOV 2017-09-01
it is with great joy that we inform that the community of Bardejov (Slovakia) has joined the partnership of the Chassidic Route, therefore becoming the first foreign partner of our project. The Chassidic Route more »